Even last month I had no idea that I won’t be able to give my best friend a tight hug, when I meet her or will have to distance myself from my family members and live a life of self-imposed isolation. I had no idea that going out for my regular evening walk will be a thing of past. Yes things have changed completely in our country in the last one month. Infact in almost 189 countries across the globe. But no, I am not going to make your lives more depressing. Today I want to tell you, how important it is to remain positive amidst all kinds of negativity and depression.
We may love to watch the antics of Bahubali, but surely are not at all fond of the demon called COVID 19. Perhaps for the first time in the nation’s history we can’t conduct prayer meets, yagnas in the religious places, seeking for divine blessings. For the first time we are living in total restriction. Our identity as social animal has become a big question mark.
In this crucial and critical time, we need to teach ourselves the art of being positive, being happy .And trust me, it is not tough if we give ourselves the required pull. We create our own destiny. Hence we can’t allow a mere virus to take an upper hand.
We need to practice complete mindfulness. Now what exactly is mindfulness? It’s becoming aware of our own thoughts, feelings, sensations, moment by moment, through gentle nurturing lens. And when we become an expert in this art, our thoughts turn towards what we are sensing in the present moment rather than thinking about past or getting worried by thinking about the future uncertainties. In order to achieve satisfaction and happiness that is not momentary, we need to follow the daily routine as much as possible, do all the little chores that allow us to behave normally and keeps our mind relaxed. We need to develop hobbies or interests that keep our souls charged. For only when our “mind is without fear and the head is held high” (Rabindranath Tagore) we can gradually move forward into ever widening thought and action into that heaven of freedom that we call inner peace, tranquil.
We will surely overcome COVID 19 one day but if our minds stop working, if our hearts don’t beat for a greater cause, if we lose our inner peace, then the very existence of humanity will be a question mark. Let’s make our minds active, let’s start the soul search.
Let’s press the happiness button.
(This article is authored by Dr. Sudipta Roy Chowdhury. She is a Professor for Communication & Media Studies and conducts training in Stress Management & Complete Mindfulness)